Oh baby, we’ve got a great deal for you! We know many of you
have already budgeted and plan to attend the 16th annual
PARCEL Forum ’18 Chicago. So why not take advantage of our new
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and secure your spot at the premier conference and exposition
for the parcel shipping and distribution industry.
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Guarantee you’ll get a reservation at our host hotel –
Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel & Convention Center
Platinum Package (3-Day) attendees get guaranteed
seating at the workshops or tour of your choice
Get notifications on breaking show news before
it’s announced to the industry
Platinum Package (3-Day) will receive their Conference Travel
($250 airfare or $100 drive-in) months before the Forum
If you have any questions regarding registering, exhibiting or sponsoring,
please call toll-free 866.378.4991 or email sales@EventEvolution.com.